Today we walked from Herndon to almost Sunbury. Snow had been predicted but we just had a few light flakes. At the northern end of Herndon there are two points of interest - one a former Indian path which was used to carry peace wampum from Syracuse to Philadelphia, the other the location of a log trading post built in 1702 that became a tavern catering to travellers and missionaries. The current stone house was built in the early 1800s. The location of the tavern was the beginning point for the first Pennsylvania road north.
As we stop along the side of the road we often are a curiosity. So frequently people stop to see if
At other times we have a few concerns:
With winter runoff and recent rains we do have to watch where we walk. Road allowances sometimes cave in.
When we first arrived I wandered about all the vultures flying around. It doesn’t take long to find out.
We get the odd toot of the horn and Ron often waves at railroad engineers but we continue to hope that more than 99% of drivers really don’t want to kill pedestrians. It can also be a challenge to find safe places to park in the allotted walking distance parametres.
The edge of the road can also have some interesting garbage. I hope I don’t drive over broken glass. The roads in Lancaster were remarkably clean but highways have their usual junk. I was surprised at so many half filled pop bottles with yellow/orange liquid in them. Ron looked at me and said they had to do with long distance truckers.
Sounds of gun shots and a spent shell by the side of the road are disconcerting. Ron says the shots were from a shooting
Dogs can also be a concern. It's great when they are on chains or behind a fence. Often the dogs are lose and we wonder if they are friend or foe. There was only one that came quite close but we hope it won't happen again.
Despite the cool weather, we continue to be delighted by wonderful displays of spring flowers. White and pink magnolias, forsythia and all the flowers are so cheerful they make us smile.
Plaque about the 1702 tavern and Indian trail
The house built on the site of the tavern
An imaginative mailbox
Ron's favourite barn
Right hand drive U.S. mail car
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ther. Well it seems business can unite the worst of foes!