A wonderful sunny day of walking. Just north of Dufferin Island, the trail continued away from the road and close to the river and the raging Niagara current. Awesome! Photo ops at every turn. Twenty minutes later I broke through just above the falls and the Table Rock area. It was interesting to hear voices around me whisper phrases like "...All the way from Pennsylvania" when they read the T shirt.
Journalists from The Review met with us and they were able to collect the "Walk" story, without errors I might add. A couple of hours later, after checking with me by phone, they had the story on their website. Go to http://www.niagarafallsreview.ca/ for both video and text. It'll likely be there for less than twenty four hours.

Margaret and I had lunch at the Victoria Park upper restaurant with a gorgeous view of both falls, and then continued north. For half an hour the sound of the Niagara carillon filled the air - - American and Canadian patriotic songs and hymns. Beautiful. (Except when the tourist helicopters flew over!) At the Spanish Aerocar, now almost one hundred years old, we both decided to pass. I was on it once a few years ago, shamed into riding it by students!
Today's walk finished at a peaceful park around the other side of the Whirlpool, where we later returned for a delicious Coleman-stove-and-Chef-M
argaret chicken with vegetables meal.
Journalists from The Review met with us and they were able to collect the "Walk" story, without errors I might add. A couple of hours later, after checking with me by phone, they had the story on their website. Go to http://www.niagarafallsreview.ca/ for both video and text. It'll likely be there for less than twenty four hours.
Margaret and I had lunch at the Victoria Park upper restaurant with a gorgeous view of both falls, and then continued north. For half an hour the sound of the Niagara carillon filled the air - - American and Canadian patriotic songs and hymns. Beautiful. (Except when the tourist helicopters flew over!) At the Spanish Aerocar, now almost one hundred years old, we both decided to pass. I was on it once a few years ago, shamed into riding it by students!
Today's walk finished at a peaceful park around the other side of the Whirlpool, where we later returned for a delicious Coleman-stove-and-Chef-M
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